Apr 30, 2009

Knowing When Enough Is Enough Do You??

Do you really know when it's over???? The thing about women about lesbians I should say that we love hard, real hard. When we find the woman that lights that firer, make you sweat and smile when her name is mention its hard to get over her. Even we you try to do the whole I'll just date new people to get over her thing. That shit really don't work ethier you just end up dragging some poor girl along who always no matter what end up falling in love with you, so now you have a second problem. So lesbians when do you know when to finally call it quits when do you think it is time to turn that old white towel end. The thing is women get attached quick especially when its what we see we want meaning.... she has it all but a few missing pieces which no one is perfect so she comes close to it, then we attach ourselves like kids to candy very sticky candy. And sometimes the love in the relationship was so strong in the beginning that some of us still hold on to the love it was and not the love it is now.

The love then was the kinda of love you and her couldn't be apart kind of love , the love that made you forsake all others to change your life and all around it to be with this person is that unconditional love at first sight kind of love.... then when you know there's a different love there is when its the love of an old friend the love I'll always care about you, look after you if you need anything kinda of love but not that we need to be together everyday kind of love is what you have now and is what you mistaking ignore for what was kind of love. I hope I'm hitting home with some of you ladies because I here this over and over and over again its not a game we lesbian play its just the rules of lesbianism if that's a word. So since we have established that how do we end the game gracefully, how do we learn to bow our heads when its over and we didn't win.

1. Do you dare to try to play this same game again hoping this time you will get right(even thou you have played many many times before)

2. Do you hang on to the game Even thou this is no longer the game for you hoping no one else will pay it.

3. Do you re read the rules go over everything again hoping that there is something you missed a piece to the puzzle you can fix.

4. Or do you just chalk this up to a lost and never again hope to play this game again and hate on any one else who do.

How do you gracefully know when its over, when the time has come to say goodbye.

Sometimes i even wonder if I would know when enough is enough????:(

Apr 24, 2009

I'm Still Here Just Fucking More...

Whats shaking baby... well I'm hanging in there trying to get my lesbian peeps to really open up and share the love of sex stories. I love talking to my friends about women. And just to let u all know I'm a master at men to. No not Fucking them.. I just know them very well, and you will if you hang out with all men and of course i think like a man just with more flare. I know how to get what I want when I want it and how much I need it. With women all they want is someone to be it all. Yes they do they want the friend, the lover, the Mrs. fix-it. I don't know why women put so much into men because they cant do it all. And that's where I come in I come in when she is looking for it all in a lazy ass man and don't get even 2/3rds of it then her is captain save-a-hoe. I love to make women fall in love with me.... But to my defense I do treat them all very well. So right now my girl is making a a milk bath for her soft skin she say. But i know whats really going on she want me to fuck her with asking me to fuck her.....Y because she don't want to be the one to seem like she needs it, she want it to look like i need it more. But what ever I couldn't give a shit how she wants to play the game because I'm always the winner.

see you when I see Ya!!!

I'll tell you all the details:)